Meet our Massage Therapists!

Our massage therapists offer a variety of services, from Gua Sha therapy to Celluma Light therapy. Feel free to read all about our massage therapists and what they offer below! 

Carenda Rudis

CMT #17903

Carenda is a certified massage therapist with over 10 years of experience. She is a graduate of the National Holistic Institute in Emeryville, CA where she trained in multiple modalities, excelling in deep tissue and swedish techniques. She also has advanced certification in oncology and pre and perinatal massage with 5 years of hospital-based experience.

Through her many years working with a wide range of clients, Carenda has developed her own personal and unique style. Listening to her client’s needs and drawing from multiple modalities, she incorporates relaxation in with deeper work in areas of tension that she finds. The result is a custom massage that is deeply therapeutic and very relaxing.

Having seen the benefits of massage ranging from general relaxation to end of life comfort, Carenda strongly believes in massage as a way to facilitate physical and emotional healing and is passionate about customizing each session around the client's specific rehabilitative needs.

Carenda offers: 30 Minute Massage Therapy, 60 Minute Massage Therapy, 90 Minute Massage Therapy, & Celluma Low-Level Light Therapy.


Lauren Bahem

CMT #67754

Lauren offers: 30 Minute Massage Therapy, 60 Minute Massage Therapy, & 90 Minute Massage Therapy.

Matt Wigylus

CMT #78409

Hi, I'm Matthew and I've been practicing massage professionally since 2018.

So what do I practice? I use a combination of Deep Tissue and Acupressure. My general philosophy on massage I've broken down into three phases: Rest. Relax. Rejuvenate.

Rest is slowing things down to begin recovery. This is a change of state in which one puts aside the day's stress, and where everything begins.

Relax is where things get interesting. This is typically when the more active work is done, such as Deep Tissue. As such it is not always what one might imagine as 'relaxing', but the goal is to get to that ideal by working out whatever issues are causing stress.

Rejuvenate represents the state in which one is almost sleep, where the body reaches homeostasis and begins to heal itself. This is when Acupressure is at its most effective.

When it comes to sessions, I request that you come in as comfortable clothes as possible, as I do not use oil or lotion and work over clothes.

Matt offers: 30 Minute Massage Therapy, 60 Minute Massage Therapy, & 90 Minute Massage Therapy. 

Emily Ellison

CMT #78832

Emily offers: 30 Minute Massage Therapy, 60 Minute Massage Therapy, & 90 Minute Massage Therapy.

Michael Rodriguez

CMT #17669

Michael is a massage therapist whose interest in bodywork evolved from personal experience after sustaining some injuries during his Military tour of duty in Iraq. He underwent grueling rehabilitation for his wrist and elbow and thereafter influenced his ways towards a more holistic approach to healing. Massage Therapy provides him an avenue to educate clients in the importance of holistic healing and how it helps the body to naturally heal itself.

Since joining the team at Inner-Action on April 2008, he has demonstrated remarkable attitude in developing his private practice (Rejuvenating Bodyworks) with the guidance of the team. Michael aims to continue to grow professionally and maintain an updated knowledge and skills in bodywork modalities. 

Michael has added a new modality in his practice called Gua Sha.  Gua sha means "scraping sha-bruises", is a traditional Chinese medical treatment in which the skin is scraped to produce light bruising. Practitioners believe gua sha releases unhealthy elements from injured areas and stimulates blood flow and healing. He also recently added Cupping to his practice. Cupping Therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine which a therapist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. People get it for many purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well being, and as type of deep tissue massage. He recently been Certified in Oncology Massage Soft Tissue Release and Muscle Energy Technique. He is also currently learning a new technique called Myoskeletal Alignment Technique (MAT), this will guide him to provide more focused care for certain area of the body that creates problems for clients in their everyday life.

Michael offers: 45 Minute Massage Therapy, 75 Minute Massage Therapy, 90 Minute Massage Therapy, Gua Sha 45 Minutes, Gua Sha 75 Minutes, Cupping 45 Minutes, Cupping 75 Minutes, Myoskeletal Release Technique 45 Minutes, Myoskeletal Release Technique 75 Minutes, Pre/Post Natal Massage Therapy 90 Minutes, & Hot Stone Therapy 75 Minutes. 

William Prinzi

Will's approach to bodywork is to comfortably work with deep layers of muscles and fascial restrictions to help get your body back to a relaxed, comfortable state so that you can get the most out of it. He utilizes trigger point therapy, deep tissue, Swedish, and myofascial techniques to effectively address muscular imbalances that will lay out the roadmap to pain relief, better posture, and increased tissue health, all while empowering you with information to help you further your own well-being. He loves working with athletes, weekend warriors, as well as those looking to experience relief from the aches and pains of aging and overuse injuries. He has immensely enjoyed his role in people’s lives as a bodyworker since day one, and when he’s not at work, he will be practicing tai chi, making music, or cooking something tasty.

William offers: 45 minute massage therapy, 75 minute massage therapy, & 90 minute massage therapy.

Inner-Action Sports Rehab & Chiropractic

1270 Springbrook Rd, Ste. A
Walnut Creek, CA


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